TAO Price: $132.33 APR: 27.33% Total Stake: 261,292 TAO Nominators: 738

chart success
FT Neurons sold


Credit Card
Price τ/FT Neuron


Needed to enter Top 100

9 FT Neurons

tax return
Bitneurons per FT Neuron

11005 Bitneurons/day

Wallet Address

The wallet address has been successfully copied.

You have to send 2 TAO for each FT Neuron you want to buy to the above wallet address. For example: in order to buy 5 FT Neurons, you'll have to send 10 TAO.
After transferring the TAO to our wallet address, please complete and submit the registration form provided below.

Please note that it may take several hours for the FT Neurons to be linked to your wallet address, as the transaction requires verification.
To check the number of FT Neurons you own, enter your wallet address here.
Registration form

* Marked fields are required to fill.